On this episode of the Nocturnal Nerds Podcast Soul & Lycan talk about our week, the FDA banning the sale of flavored e-juice and trying to ban menthol cigarettes, we find out how bad we are on the purity scale and you get to learn some shocking truths.
FDA Vape Crackdown: https://tinyurl.com/y9xhkdxw
Purity Test: http://ricepuritytest.com/
Birthday Haul: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/337568557
Patreon: http://www.bit.ly/NocturnalPatreon
Discord Channel: http://www.bit.ly/NocturnalDiscord
Nocturnal Twitter: http://www.bit.ly/NocturnalTwitter
Nocturnal Facebook: http://www.bit.ly/NocturnalFacebook
Website: http://www.bit.ly/NocturnalNerds
Soul’s Twitter: http://www.bit.ly/SoulsTwitter
Soul’s Instagram: http://www.bit.ly/SoulsInsta
Lycan’s Twitter: http://www.bit.ly/LycanTwitter
Lycan’s Instagram: http://www.bit.ly/LycanInsta
Lycan’s Stream: http://www.bit.ly/LycanTwitch
Intro/Outro Music:
Unwritten Return Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/fsf